
Community Standards

Guidelines: Treat others online as you would treat them in real life. Be tolerant towards other’s viewpoints; respectfully disagree when opinions do not align Respect the privacy and personal information of other community members. Communicate with courtesy and respect.

Please do not:
Make personal attacks on other community members. Use defamatory remarks or make false statements against others. Post prejudiced comments or profanity. Bully or make inflammatory remarks to other community members. Use messaging responsibly. These tools are intended to keep users in touch with one another, to help facilitate networking and to promote common interests. Some examples might include: maintaining contact after someone has expressed disinterest.

Consequences: We will take action when we see someone violating these guidelines. Sometimes that just means giving someone a warning; other times it means revoking certain privileges or accounts entirely. We request that all community members report behavior that violates our guidelines to support(at)

Agreement: By logging onto the community and activating your profile, you are considered to be in agreement with the terms and conditions listed above.


We collect but do not link personal and activity data. The MyComplex application is a community app. Users register to connect with other members. However we will not sell your personal information to any agencies or groups who will use to solicit business from our subscribers.
We do not knowingly contact or collect personal information from children under 13. If you believe we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us so we can promptly obtain parental consent or remove the information.


We do not collect location history. We do not collect any location information for our subscribers. .


You can request to see or delete your personal data. You can sign into your account to see or delete any personally identifiable information we have stored, such as your name, address, email or phone number. You can also contact us by email to request to see or delete this information.
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We keep personal data until you delete it. We remove personally identifiable information (such as your name, address, email or phone number) and other preferences associated with your account promptly after you delete your account. We may retain other data indefinitely.
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We don't share your personal information with marketers. We generally do not share personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email or phone) with other companies for marketing purposes.
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Ad Tracking

No ad companies collect data through our service. We do not allow advertising companies to collect data through our service for ad targeting.
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You can ask privacy questions. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us: info(at)
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Service providers access data on our behalf. In order to serve you, we may share your personal and anonymous information with other companies, including vendors and contractors. Their use of information is limited to these purposes, and subject to agreements that require them to keep the information confidential. Our vendors provide assurance that they take reasonable steps to safeguard the data they hold on our behalf, although data security cannot be guaranteed.
Analytics companies may access anonymous data (such as your IP address or device ID) to help us understand how our services are used. They use this data solely on our behalf. They do not share it except in aggregate form; no data is shared as to any individual user.
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We take steps to protect personal information We take reasonable steps to secure your personally identifiable information against unauthorized access or disclosure. We encrypt transmission of data on pages where you provide payment information. However, no security or encryption method can be guaranteed to protect information from hackers or human error.
Information we collect may be stored or processed on computers located in any country where we do business.